Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage

Coldwell Banker Res. Brokerage


Logan Henry
Reputable Agent

"I have a wonderful beautiful time working with Daren Barker and can't wait to do it again. He is such a gentleman and a pleasure to work with Pamela Ratcliffe"

Dec 2020


Logan Henry
Reputable Agent

"Logan is a great guy and an awesome agent. We worked together on a transaction and despite me having very feisty buyers and him having a feisty seller we NEVER had a terse word, we always collaborated to resolve some rather huge obstacles which either of us could have pointed the finger at one another but absolutely did not and just said oh my goodness...let's just get these folks under control. I would love and be honored to transact with him again. Really great guy as well which is always a plus in today's market where many agents are behaving like savages. I hate even saying that but they say the cream rises to the top and that was my experience with Logan from start to finish. I'd refer him any day of the week and I am looking forward to our next transaction for sure!! Love working with other top agents like Logan. It truly is an honor!!"

Bryan Garrity, May 2021