One 3 Realty

One 3 Realty

Carrie Esqueda
Reputable Agent

"Thank you Carrie. And Congratulations!! Carrie have been very helpful from the day one and was very honest all through out the escrow. She is a great agent and very proactive in handling the transactions and closing home quickly."

May 2022

"Thank you Carrie. And Congratulations!! Carrie have been very helpful from the day one and was very honest all through out the escrow. She is a great agent and very proactive in handling the transactions and closing home quickly."

May 2022

Carrie Esqueda
Reputable Agent

"Carrie is a rockstar! and I would be happy to open another escrow with her in the future. She is a professional who knows how to communicate from start to finish."

Gerald Ruiz, Jun 2021

Carrie Esqueda
Reputable Agent

"Carrie answered her phone and was very easy to work with!"

Oct 2022

Carrie Esqueda
Reputable Agent

"Carrie and her husband Martin were great to work with as the buyers agents. The showed integrity and truely cared about their buyer. As the lisitng agent they made the transcation very smooth."

Jun 2019